We have lived in our home for almost 22 years now, and when we first built it we had hardwood floors installed in the kitchen and the dining room. My sweetie has refinished the wood at least a dozen times, but only twice has he sanded it all the way to bare wood.
This week was one of them.

Remember last year when we had our flood in the kitchen? It gave us a speed bump about 10 inches high for almost a year. Finally my sweetie decided to take matters into his own hands and he refastened the couple of boards that had burst from their nails and flattened the floor.

In the process though, some of those boards shifted and to make them look good again, he took off all the finish (thank goodness for Home Depot and their tool rental plans!) and puttied up every little crack. I have a couple of pics for you of the work in progress, but mostly I wanted to show you this picture of my sweetie's hand.
He works so hard to take care of of us and all too often it is a thankless job. We tend to complain about the inconvenience and the smell of the urethane, but without his hard work, this project would have cost us many thousands of dollars. I hope he knows how much I love and appreciate him.
For sure he will if he just takes a break long enough to read my post.
My friend from grade schools grand son does that type of work, I know how much it costs all the pricey homes in camas Washington and Vancouver Washington hire him.. We viewed two years ago the parade of fancy schmancy homes, in the 3-4 million dollar homes in lake Oswego Oregon and they were done by my friend from grade schools grand son, he was so proud, I took pictures real pictures and he was surprised at the holidays I got them to him, he is an artistic soul and does this for a good living I might add..You are fortunate indeed to have a husband who can and will do this, it takes skill, and persistence and just plain hard hard work, many try to do it and end up calling this wonderful fellow! Kudos to your husband, but why hardwood with 12 children in the house in 22 years????????? just curious we got new marmolean and love it and it works great!
You do have an awesome husband to do all this hard work. Hugs for him~
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