My sweetie has this thing he does with the kids. It's a little way of giving a shout out to those who are trying hard and being obedient. He calls it Son of the Season and Daughter of the Day. There is nothing associated with it except for bragging rights and the deal is that when one child receives the "award," the one who previously had it has to earn it back.

Scout has never been given this particular award because it often takes several times before she gets around to being obedient. That all ended today! We had blueberry pancakes for dinner that Drama Queen started before she decided to take a plate over to Teach who just moved to her new apartment and has little accessible food.
She turned off the griddles and left the rest of the batter sitting in the mixing bowl. When we got home, Scout decided to fry up a few more pancakes so there would be enough for everyone, but even after she had plenty on the tray, she continued to fry until all the batter was gone.
When my sweetie noticed this excellent behavior that we had not even asked her to do, he promptly awarded her with the Daughter of the Day (much to Crafty's chagrin). I have been so proud of Scout's good choices lately. She hasn't been late to school and she is dancing for 3 hours most days when she gets home. She even cleaned her room and took such good care of Baby Doll at Big Sis Little Sis camp. I'm guessing we will see many more times when Scout earns the distinction of Daughter of the Day.
1 comment:
What a great idea; I like it! I am happy that you sweet Scout got the recognition. Sweet!! Hugs for her~
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