Actually, I think that is sort of a ridiculous name for Teach's second shower today. She and 4 of her very best friends went to a nail salon for mani/pedis. It was a bit cost prohibitive for me to have everyone go with her, besides, we had the mandatory parent/dancer meeting for Giselle.

Drama Queen had taken the little girls to the mall this afternoon while I helped Twiz buy a car and they bought a couple of cute things for Teach. One was a Harry Potter corset and in keeping with the same theme, a seeker costume for Twiz. She got them at Torrid, but took great joy in rewrapping them in a Victoria's Secret bag. She was one of the girls with Teach at the salon.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...uh...I mean the house, things were pretty crazy. Crafty was at the studio and I was just returning from a trip downtown with the Dog Walker because he left his train pass on the train yesterday and then they took it to their central office for him to pick up. Bossy showed up with Fajita and Bean Dip (and his cute date) and we piled in the car to drop them at the library with Sport for the Capture the Flag teen activity. We drove to the studio and arrived just in time to collect Crafty and head into the meeting. We also had Baby Doll and Scout in tow because they didn't want to miss Teach's party.

After the short meeting, we drove the mile or so to the Chocolate House in West Jordan. I knew Teach had been there before with her friends, but it was brand new to me. We all ordered fun things from the counter and then we made our way through the house to the most out-of-the-way room. We were served our goodies there. I got an eclair, Crafty got a fancy cookie, and Bossy got a cannoli and we all shared. The food was good, but a bit pricey for my tastes.

Teach opened her gifts. None of them were terribly risque and I was glad of that since my little girls were there. She loved the Harry Potter stuff. Alex made us cute favors out of fingernail polish. When we got home, the girls convinced Twiz to try on the seeker outfit. Over his clothes, of course. Isn't he cute?
You are having some fun I see. I love all the fun things that you do. Blessings for all this coming week. Hugs!
sounds nice
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