We celebrated Burrito's 9th birthday last night. He wanted nachos with the cheese right out of the can and corndogs for dinner. I guess I'm getting old. That didn't sound at all good to me and when his family showed up with a box of taquitos, it got even worse. I added a fruit salad and a green salad to balance it out a bit. Seriously, old people like me just can't eat like that.
It was beautiful and warm so the kids played basketball outside while we got dinner ready. Fajita frosted and decorated the cake. Not sure how I missed getting a pic of that for you. I've taken to buying a box of Creamies instead of ice cream for the kids' birthday parties. Other than the wrappers all over the place, it's so much easier.

After dinner we visited and Burrito opened his gifts. We gave him a new Star Wars backpack for school, but I couldn't resist wrapping up a few smaller packages and stuffing them inside. He was all smiles and thrilled with everything, even the clothes.

After we cleaned up a little the married kids left and my sweetie and I drove over to Teach and Twiz's new apartment. It was the first time we had seen it. It was very much like our first apartment, small but a place for just us where no one could bother us as we established our own little family.
Good times.
such sweet times.
Oh, I love your birthday celebration; they are the best. This one looked fun. I feel the same about food. Of course, Ice cream will always make things better. Blessings and hugs!
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