Drama Queen and Scout made cute Ground Hog cookies for us using the No Bakes Cookies recipe for the ground and then making the ground hog from chocolate Oreos and vanilla chips. They were SO yummy and creative!
Today was actually a nice down day for me. I know Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest, but my sweetie and I had to speak in the Adult meeting for SOY Sunday and then I spoke again about Cub Scouts in the Great to be 8 meeting.
I fed the kids cold cereal for dinner and went upstairs with my sweetie. We watched a couple of basketball movies and a special on Pete Rose while I finished binding the second quilt for Teach and Twiz. I'm glad that's done! So today I cleaned the house and ran errands.

I borrowed some beautiful serving trays from one of my neighbors and Drama Queen says we have to set up a mock table tomorrow to see if our settings will look good for the wedding. I'm also thinking I want to go over to the church and measure a chair so we can put together the bows for the chairs before we are sitting there stressing them the night before the wedding. I think it's finally time to make that one last big master list to see if I forgot anything.
here in Chattanooga,chattanooga chuck the groundhog, predicted an early spring today
Ground Hog day is interesting! As usual your down day even sounds too busy for me. I do like that you watched a movie and folded laundry. I like to iron and watch a movie once in a while. We don't watch much TV except for news and maybe a Hallmark movie once in a while. It's sweet since we are studying or out doing missionary endeavors. I love her new mission badge; awesome.
Blessings and hugs for all!
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