You remember yesterday I told you about Prima Donna's role in
The Importance of Being Ernest? Well, there was one thing that bothered me about this amazing show. We were in the Copper Pit and it is like a little theater in the round, so we were very close to the actors the entire time. At some points I was fewer than 6 feet from my daughter. That's when I noticed that some of her makeup was not very authentic and since I knew an amazing makeup artist, I wanted to make sure we got the problem fixed for tonight.

Lady Bracknell is a much older character than my 17-year-old Prima Donna, so it was important for her to have aging lines on her face. Drama Queen happens to love doing makeup and she was quick to offer her skills. The problem was that Prima Donna usually just did he own makeup at the school, so Drama Queen needed a model to show her how to do it.
Guess who offered.

What could I do, really? It was all for a good cause although honestly, I didn't want to know what I might look like in 20 years. We decided only half of my face would be perfect for her to see the techniques. What do you think, did she do a good job?
I was sort of hoping this last pic would show a huge difference between me and the older me.
I was disappointed.
you are always lovely.
I think she did a good job. You are lovely no matter what. I do know what aging is feeling like. I used to count my wrinkles; but I have lost track because there are too many. Hugs for you all!
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