She just worries so much about this important work that she is doing and she wants so badly to be a good missionary. She is constantly coming up with new ways to try to spread the gospel.
We are doing well. We are learning new ways and seeking inspiration from Heaven to help our members fully engage in the work of salvation. We went on an exchange with our Sister Trainer Leaders this week and I am just filled with a huge need for balance in all that we do! We have unnecessarily put all of our eggs in the "member work" basket. We need to remember the good habits that we were taught in the past such as talking with everyone, going about doing good, and addressing the importance of families. I included as a part of my fast how we can find more people.This is a tricky area to find in- but the Lord brought different ideas to my mind and attention. We are going to be more visible, talk with all those we see, listen to the Spirit and act, and use family history as a finding tool. I'm really excited about this last one, because it is direct direction from Father to help us find His children that are being prepared. I stacked my purse with a lot of family history cards today and I'm ready to tell the world about the Spirit of Elijah.

This week we had a less active member whose son tried to dunk a b-ball but fell and cracked his skull. Big deal. This story is a little deal though- when we were talking to her she said she could tell that I was going to be a good teacher. She said I have a good presentation and I use good words. I used the words heed and poignant. What I wanted to tell her was that I really just watch and read WAY too many Elder Holland talks because I kinda base my presentations on his style. But... it works for me. (: Sister Edwards said I explain things very clearly. It was so kind. I hope it's true. Clarity is a spiritual gift I've been blessed with... so it'd make sense.
I just love that she is growing and learning every day. So I have to tell you about this little exchange we had. She sent me this one. (Don't worry about the link, it's not that funny...)
So... this talk is fabulous. I just wanted to share it with you. (: it's really long... but it really teaches about the great apostasy (which Texas doesn't understand). it's really long... but it really teaches about the great apostasy (which Texas doesn't understand).
I responded:
Oh because they didn't try to apostate from the whole
Yeah, she still has a sense of humor. She said:
baha. (: Texas is kind of its own little form of apostasy isn't
it? (: I love Texas. Man.
And I love you, Teach. Can't wait to talk to you for real on Sunday for a WHOLE HOUR!!
Happy Mother's Day to me. :)
My what a lovely on fire for LDS church teachings and our Lord and Heavenly Father..What a neat blog you wrote about your AMAZING DAUGHTER..the mission will help her all her days of teaching and more..In fact it will bring her a mate on fire for the Lord too! I have seen it happen and I am not a member of your faith but have many friends and watch and listen..their daughters who do a Mission for your church come back changed for the better they were sweet as sugar before and on fire for your faith but they come back even more peaceful and happy on fire for their faith FOREVER! Happy Mothers day sweet sandy, your many years of your faith and love and discipline shows in your daughters mission..I pray for her quick return to you and your husband and family, it will be so quick you won't even believe it, ciao and luvXXX()()()
I meant to say your lovely DAUGHTER IS ON FIRE FOR THE LORD...It is early here and I enjoy reading of your familia..If only others could have a fine and loving MOTHER and FATHER such as you and your husband are, the juvenile facilities would be empty..It is not easy to be a MOTHER AND FATHER IN THESE TENOUS TIMES, but your FAITH AND DEVOTION TO EACH OTHER AND YOUR FAMILY IS EVIDENT IN ALL YOU DO.. have a most wonderful Mother's day your daughter will be home so soon you won't believe it..ciaoX()
Such a nice letter.
I truly love reading her experiences and your thoughts.
Wishing you a fantastic Mother's Day. I hope you get at least a short nap.
Blessings, love and hugs to you!
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