May 20, 2024

My Poor Sweetie

Ok, so yesterday, the Dog Walker talked about my poor sweetie. Yes, he has been in the hospital for the last 4 days. He has an infection in his wrist, but it has NOT gone septic. Yesterday, they opened up his wrist and did a wash.

Today, he is doing much better!! He is still on IV antibiotics, so we might be looking at infusions again, but we are hoping he will be coming home tomorrow. 

Guest Blogger: Scout's Graduation Party by the Dog Walker

 Mom asked me to write a post for her because she's been feeling exhausted not only from her cataract surgery, but for smiling and telling the same story over and over at Scout's graduation party. Speaking of which, we celebrated it a week early, just because we have plans for Memorial Day Weekend.  

The party was quite crowded, with not only relatives, but there were also some of Scout's friends that came over to congratulate her. It was hard to tell of how many really came, but Mom guessed it was sixty people. Anyway, we served tacos and sweet pork burritos to the guests along with nachos, and homemade desserts. Almost everyone told me that they loved the cinnamon chip cookies that I made. Maybe by Christmas, we can the recipe to the updated family cookbook.

Scout really loved the special gift I made. It was a Graduation goblet filled with her favorite fruit snacks, Gushers. Bossy was a little jealous of it since she also gave her a ceramic mug with something that looked like a chocolate truffle ball, but Scout managed to switch the places and they seemed to have similar fittings. 

I was obligated to play Spike Ball with Sport, Curly, and Crafty. Sport was always asking me how I got so good at Spike Ball even though I never play that game very often. I don't know how myself. Maybe it's just instincts or something like that. We played a lot of game rounds, despite the sun shining in our eyes. I ended up getting a set of hats with visors to help us see. Some of the kids even played in the backyard while we were playing Spike ball.

Dad's usually in charge of making sweet pork, but before the party, we had to make the sweet pork and lime rice ourselves, since he has been hospitalized again. 

The party was meant to last from 4;00 to 6;00. After the party, Mom and I went to visit him. We weren't going to stay there for very long, but Dad was feeling quite lonely after his surgery, despite feeling pained and groggy. So we stayed and visited for a couple of hours, until we heard from a nurse saying that he was going to be transferred to another room at another part of the hospital. 

It was a good thing that Mom and I didn't leave before that, because we had to make sure all of Dad's stuff was packed so the staff members didn't have to do a scavenger hunt. He should be able to be released from the hospital by Tuesday.

Mom and I drove home a little later than we planned, probably because of a police invasion on the roads with a possible crime scene. Mom and I at least ended up avoiding it, because she always finds those intense. Anyway we made it home safely. All I have left is to show you the pictures of the party. We're so proud of Scout being able to graduate from high school.

May 17, 2024

Prom Pics - 2024 Curly & E

I just realized that I never shared any of Curly's Prom pics with you! These kids are so cute. They just past their 6-month mark.

May 14, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend - part 2

We got to Star Valley about 5:00. The little log cabins were so cute!

They had some amazing features!

Unfortunately, only Curly got a chance to enjoy our tub.

It was nearly dark when the kiddos in Sport's vehicle caught up to us. After we ate chicken and rolls in the room, we piled in the van and headed for darkness.

We finally found some dark at the cemetery...and we weren't the only ones there.

The stars were beautiful, but we couldn't see any color, so we created our own with Bossy's homemade light sabers.

We finally put away the sabers and started watching the skies. They still looked pretty dark, but Crafty used a long exposure and she got some light colors.

We stayed until about midnight, hoping we might see something with the naked eye, but we didn't.

We got a little sleep and got up for breakfast and church. We wanted to drive into Afton so we could attend church in Dr Pead's ward. 

His church was right next door to the Star Valley Wyoming Temple.

It was so good to see him! Did you remember that he delivered 9 of my babies and most of Bossy's? He retired a few years ago.

After church, we checked out and headed for home. Such a fun and crazy trip!!

May 13, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend - part 1

My weekend started on Friday night. After a scout meeting, Princess and The Frog brought their kids over while they went to the Capitol Theater to see an opera. After making dinner and feeding everyone, I took off for Curly's baseball game. He pitched 5 innings and did a great job.

The grandkids left just before midnight. By then, my sweetie decided we were going to Wyoming on Saturday. Crafty sent us some beautiful pics of the northern lights that she took up Provo canyon and even though she used the long exposure to get them, my sweetie wanted to see them for himself. 

Curly had a ballgame on Saturday morning and the plan was to leave right after that. He played 1st base and caught a couple of pop flies. 

We picked up our grocery order and hit the road. My sweetie, Curly, Baby Doll and I traveled in the van. Bossy's family was in their car, and Sport was coming after 5:00 when he got off work with Crafty and Scout.

More to come...

May 7, 2024

Service Unit Recognition

Last night, Aspen Service Unit, our Girl Scout group, recognized Scout as a graduating Senior. It's hard to believe that she won't be a girl in my troop anymore. She will have to be a leader.

So proud of you, Scout!

May 6, 2024

Guest Blog: A White Cinco De Mayo by the Dog Walker

Today was quite an odd yet fun Cinco De Mayo this year. The odd thing was that we were expecting a little rain, but after a little bit, it started snowing in May! Weather in Utah not only has a fluctuating routine, it also seems to have a slight delay on the appropriate weather in a season. We were about to do a piñata, but with it snowing outside, it was out of the question until next week.

We got dinner ready and some of the family came over for the Mexican dish that we haven't had in a long time; chimichangas. Princess and the Frog were assigned to bring a dessert, and Princess made 3 dozen cookies to share, but they were so yummy that they went fast! But I had a backup plan with ice cream to share with the family. 

We talked and visited a lot as well as helping the younger kids to some building kits that Bossy brought over. Carnitas has been quite a cutie when it came to hanging out with him and the other kids. It's been quite a fun Cinco De Mayo, but we might celebrate a little bit of it more on Mother's day with the piñata.