May 13, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend - part 1

My weekend started on Friday night. After a scout meeting, Princess and The Frog brought their kids over while they went to the Capitol Theater to see an opera. After making dinner and feeding everyone, I took off for Curly's baseball game. He pitched 5 innings and did a great job.

The grandkids left just before midnight. By then, my sweetie decided we were going to Wyoming on Saturday. Crafty sent us some beautiful pics of the northern lights that she took up Provo canyon and even though she used the long exposure to get them, my sweetie wanted to see them for himself. 

Curly had a ballgame on Saturday morning and the plan was to leave right after that. He played 1st base and caught a couple of pop flies. 

We picked up our grocery order and hit the road. My sweetie, Curly, Baby Doll and I traveled in the van. Bossy's family was in their car, and Sport was coming after 5:00 when he got off work with Crafty and Scout.

More to come...

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