Dec 24, 2020

Christmas Adam

Our December 23rd or Christmas Adam as we call it, was absolutely amazing! My sweetie is always looking for something new and different for us to do and this year he outdid himself. Have you ever been axe throwing??
Crafty was the only one of us with any experience, but the assistant at Heber Hachet Axe Throwing in Provo did an awesome job teaching us what to do.
All 8 of us living at home got to play, even Grandpa! As an 85-year-old guy, he impressed us all. He is still very fit and a natural athlete, so I don't know why I was surprised.
After a couple of hours and two tounaments later (Sport and my sweetie were the winners!), we dropped a gift at my sister’s house and then made our way to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.
My kids love that place!
We had planned to see the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork, but with literally hundreds of cars in line, we opted to just drive around and see what we could see.
Our last stop was for a quick bit of ice cream at Brooker's Founding Flavors in Vineyard. It was our first time there, so Sport put Curly in the stocks...
Silly boys.😉

All in all, my sweetie did a pretty great job with our celebration, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

When we went to Spanish Fork Festival of Lights, it was the same. So we saw it for free from outside the fence!


LeAnn said...

I do think he had great ideas on this one. I didn't even know they had such a thing as Ax throwing. Of course, Texas Roadhouse is the best. It all looked fun.
Blessings and hugs!