Feb 13, 2019

Gold at Region for Sport

So last week was the Region FCCLA Star Events Competition. Crafty is a pro, of course, at getting all of her things ready and presenting an amazing project. Sport, on the other hand, was brand new and very needy!

The previous week he told his teacher he wanted to compete in the Reduce & Recycle category because he had a great idea about how he could make a quilt out of all of his old football jerseys. This idea has been percolating for a while in his brain, but he hadn't actually done anything about it yet.

Three days before the competition, he decided maybe he better get busy. Two days before the competition, he began cutting the squares from each of his old jerseys and planning the layout of the quilt.

Somewhere I had seen that a display was required, so I made the trip to Walmart to pick up a display board and while I was there, I bought a black piece of fleece for him to use as the quilt back. At that point, he still wasn't worried about anything but putting the quilt together and he diligently sewed each block.

It was about 5:00 pm the day before the competition that I asked him what went on his display board and he had no idea!  Crafty emailed the teacher and she sent back a bunch of requirements, none of which had we planned to do. Suddenly everything was up in the air,. Sport was freaking out, and time was ticking.

Somehow, he managed to get by with a little help from his friends... thanks to Dog Walker for running to the 24-hour Walmart in Riverton at 2:00 AM to buy more rubber cement, and to Crafty for actually figuring out all of the requirements, and to Mom for helping interpret those requirements and assisting in layout of the board...

Sport was running on little sleep and super-nervous about the interview, but it turned out that the judges loved his idea and even took pictures so they could show it to their family members and colleagues. All of this culminated in a Gold at Region. Now all he has to do is finish the quilt and get ready for the State competition in March. Nationals are in Anaheim this year and he and Crafty have already set their sites on taking that trip together. Crafty also has a little work to do to transform her Silver into Gold, but I've no doubt that they will achieve their goals... with a little help from their friends.

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