They gave her a blessing and iced and wrapped it. So today we picked up Scout, my sweetie got back and so did Sport. The three girls rolled in about half an hour later. Prima Donna was hobbling, but still upright. When we got them all in the house and everything, I sat her down and examined her foot.
It was super swollen and hot to the touch. She had a couple of spots that were way tender, so I drove her over to the Instacare for an X-ray. It wasn't long before the doctor came back in. "Congratulations!" she announced. "You've broken your leg in two places!"

Some people prepare for a trip by making a book of activities, some make stuffed animals, some break bones...
Oh no! Poor thing! But what a trooper....
So Sorry!! ~R
Oh my gosh, you is one brave one. I broke my ankle many years ago and it was not fun.
She will be in my prayers and give her a hugs from me.
ouch, so sorry.
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