Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Scera Shell
I know I'm always talking about our Pass of all Passes, but last year when we got ours, we didn't manage to get tickets to the Scera because they were gone. This year, I sent the girls down on the first day and we got exactly what we wanted, 19 tickets to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
We had to time it just right with all the camps and everything and as it turned out, we still only had 16 of us go tonight. My Saturday was a bit hectic as usual.
We took the kids to Lowe's for the class and then it was off to pick up football equipment for Curly and Sport. Then I'm sure you knew it was 7-11 today, so we stopped by and got our free Slurpees. After a quick lunch, I helped my sweetie get packed for his trip and I sent the girls off to do my grocery shopping.
I took Scout to a birthday party and then we cleaned the church. By the time we were finished there, it was time to pick up Scout and we put together a quick picnic dinner to eat on the way to Orem. The kids wanted to stop at Krispie Kremes and get their free donuts from their grades before we got to the Scera.
It actually worked out perfectly. We got there 15 minutes before they opened the gates and that gave the kids a chance to play at the park and stretch their legs before we entered the outdoor theater. We found a terrific spot and spread out our blankets. Then it was an hour wait before the show started.
The kids found their own ways to pass that time. When the show started, they were all enthralled with the singing. Unfortunately, no pics were allowed, but the show was fabulous! I'm always impressed with the Scera. That is the third time we have been to one of their plays and they are always first rate.
We got back home just after 10:00. The Dog Walker is speaking in two different wards tomorrow and Drama Queen is being set apart for her church service mission at 12:15. It will definitely be a good day.
I how I love reading about your unbelievable life. Just how do you get all of those things done in one day. It is truly so amazing to me. I always love that you find a way to take your children to such fun events. You are just one very busy woman and I do hope you grab naps here and there. I would love to see this play.I didn't even know it was on. I need to look for some more fun things to do since my dear husband will retire in August. Yeah! I love that Dog Walker is speaking in other meetings; his talk was so good. I will love to hear about Drama Queen's mission. Hugs~!
Busy day, but it sounds great! Congratulations to Drama Queen-I didn't know she was starting a mission now! What will she be doing?
We love Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! Glad you had a great time.
I how I love reading about your unbelievable life. Just how do you get all of those things done in one day. It is truly so amazing to me. I always love that you find a way to take your children to such fun events. You are just one very busy woman and I do hope you grab naps here and there. I would love to see this play.I didn't even know it was on. I need to look for some more fun things to do since my dear husband will retire in August. Yeah!
I love that Dog Walker is speaking in other meetings; his talk was so good.
I will love to hear about Drama Queen's mission.
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