Nov 25, 2015

Guest Blog: Mom's Feeling Better by Dog Walker

It's getting close to Thanksgiving and I'm excited for that. You have heard of my mother having surgery on her knee that has been bothering ever since I can remember, but from a former surgery, it just didn't fix the problem. I'm hoping that throughout this operation that she had just now will complete the problem.Anyway, ever since she got back from the hospital, she's been having the surged knee all bandaged up and now she's at home trying to walk it up a little. The doctors told her that she needs to walk it a little, just so that it doesn't get worse, like when getting a blood flow from the surgery up into the arteries of the heart and it would cease the heart from beating. Which that is likely to have the patient die. I might be way too scientific and sketchy about this situation, but it's actually true. The doctors also told her that the surged leg was going to hurt for just a few days and it might end on the day before Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope that my Mom's knee will feel better. Right now, she's trying to sleep peacefully and healingly.


LeAnn said...

Bless your sweet Mom and she will be in my prayers. This is the way to get some rest that I am sure she needs. Hugs~

Denise said...

praying for her