My sweet daughter-in-law came over tonight and she, Drama Queen, and Crafty made pies. They did some amazing things we have never tried before like a mint cheesecake and a peanut butter cream pie. I'm excited to see how they taste. We also put together the traditional pumpkin and pecan. I say "we" but I didn't really do much.
My sweetie is planning to do most of the cooking tomorrow and I'm totally fine with that. My knee is pretty bruised and throbs if I keep it in the same position for too long. I've taken off the wraps so I can finally have a shower (after 3 days) so I'm going to share a pic with you. The stitches are under the steri-strips, so you can't really see them. The orange stuff should wash off in the shower, and the doctor did actually write "yes" on my leg in red marker before we went into surgery.
You know, selfies are hard enough when I am trying to focus on my face, but nearly impossible when I'm trying to get my leg. It took me 6 tries to get even this bad pic for you. One thing I'm definitely thankful for this year is arms and legs that move.
Happy Thanksgiving!
praying for healing for you
I am so happy that you are recovering well. Your leg isn't a pretty picture; but I can say that the way they do knee surgeries now is unbelievable. I may have to have one at some point of time.
I love the different kinds of pie mentioned. Of course I know you had a great Thanksgiving, right?
Blessings and hugs for you!
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