I figured if it had just come on she was probably fine to drive it the few more miles home and then we could put some oil in and all would be well. Moments later she called me again. A bunch of other lights were on and she was losing power. I told her to get off the freeway.
She did.
Right out of the fast lane and into the left emergency lane.
Of course it was nearly 4:00 and rush hour traffic was already whizzing around her. She was getting pretty nervous (as she should be!). Twiz and I had been over to the community college working out some kinks in his registration so he agreed to go with me to save her. I immediately called our mechanic who hopped in his vehicle to help with her rescue.
Problem was that she didn't know exactly where she had parked. We made the first pass through the 7200 south exit and we couldn't find her. So we decided to go for the belt route exit. We finally saw her then, but she was directly across from us and we couldn't get to her.

Prima Donna texted me that the mechanic was with her, but she was only marginally less nervous. An Incident Management truck had also stopped, but decided she was in good hands and left again.
When we pulled up behind her, she inched her way along the wall and climbed into my car. Now for the hard part. Even with our hazards on I didn't feel safe going from parked to the fast lane before someone smashed into us, but somehow Twiz managed to get us home.
A tow truck pulled the car (that we purchased yesterday, remember) to the shop and we are now waiting on the verdict. I'm guessing alternator.
Oh my gosh, this is a not fun story at all. I am so happy you are all safe and home. I hate the freeway under any circumstances. So sorry she is having problems with a newly purchased car; that is the pits. I do hope it all works out well.
Blessings and hugs!
Oh, so scary! That's one of my biggest fears, my car dying on the freeway. Glad she made it home safely and I hope the repairs don't cost too much!
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