Nov 22, 2023

Another Crash

I guess it was more like a crunch.

Let me give you the details and you can decide. Yesterday I was a bit too traumatized to tell you what happened...

So Dog Walker and I were running a few errands and our last stop was the Dollar Tree. I pulled into a spot in front of the store and just as I opened my door to get out, someone came barreling into the spot next to me and hit my driver's door.

The 2 cars were stuck and my door was hyperextended.

The girl was so sweet and so sorry. But by the time we got a police report an hour later, we were both freezing.

The officer helped us unwedge the cars, but my door wouldn't shut. This is what it looks like in daylight. 

Since the door wouldn't shut, she bought me some little bungie cords. We rolled down both front and back windows and we had a very chilly ride home. At least I avoided a tow.

Now we wait...

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