Apr 23, 2018

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

Saturday was a fantastic day! It was beautiful and warm... the perfect day for a baseball game.Thank goodness we had chosen that day to redeem our free coupons for the Bees game.

Way back in December, we got coupons from the Sing-A-Long at the Vivint Arena and they included codes for free tickets to see a game. Naturally, I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to watch 3A ball.

We had 18 tickets, but only ended up with 14 of us going. Sport decided he would rather go to the stake dance and Crafty had homework. Dog Walker had to work, so Cat Lover spent some time with her family, but we did have Bossy's family, Teach's family, and Drama Queen with us as well as a friend of Curly's. 

It was an awesome game! There were 4 home runs and the Bees eventually took down their competition 8-6.


Anonymous said...

Gosh. I know 4 people who could've used those tickets....


Mom of 12 said...

I know. Sorry. We didn't realize our exact count until just before the game started. I guess it wouldn't have hurt if you missed the first 3 innings.

LeAnn said...

Wow, that does look like a fun game to go too. It is always the best when your team wins. You are amazing at getting free deals and then pulling it all of with getting children all together.
Blessings and hugs!