Sorry no post last night. I was so dead-dog tired!

I'm not sure how I got roped in to being in charge of the Cub Scout hike yesterday, but somehow it happened. We decided to go on a little trail the boys did last year and I have to confess that it certainly was beautiful, but Sport and I were pretty pathetic. Him, because he just had surgery last week. Me, because I'm old.

One of our leaders is in super shape for hiking and she took the lead with our 6 boys close behind. Our second leader managed to keep up, but Sport and I were way back. They all had to keep waiting for us and I'm sure they were probably annoyed, but they did a good job of not showing it.
It was well worth the trip when we finally arrived at the waterfall. In fact, I'm thinking of taking the family up there in a couple of weeks, but we are going to take the whole thing just a bit slower.
Is that hidden falls?
Rocky Mouth Falls
11330 South Wasatch Blvd.
Sandy, Utah
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