While he slept, the rest of us consumed a delicious Dutch oven dinner prepared by my sweetie. He also made a watermelon salad that was totally delicious and French bread from scratch. We are just so spoiled around here when the weekends roll around; that is usually when he has time to cook.

I detained them for another moment while we sang Happy Birthday, and I promised her we would save them all a piece of cake. So we sort of celebrated her birthday without her.
When they got back, my sweetie downloaded all the pics so we could watch them on the TV screen and we giggled and gawked at over 850 shots. I'll share some of their favorites with you in a day or two when they've had a chance to narrow it down a bit. I really like the one where they are kissing under the bridge and the sprinklers come on... I didn't know they made those kinds of sensors!!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend.
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