We got up and checked out of the hotel in Boston. My sweetie really wanted me to see Concord since it was one of the places he has spent a fair amount of time during his travels for work (it's where he buys me the yummy Priscilla chocolates!) and it is one of his favorite places.

We parked the car and wandered around, visiting the cemetery, visitors' center, kitchen gadget store and of course the chocolate shop. We drove through the Minute Man park and admired the beauty of the scenery and talked about the hardships suffered for our freedom.

Then we were off to see Plymouth Rock. The rock itself was not that exciting, but the water and the boats were so beautiful. We toured the Mayflower II and it was so interesting to listen to the historical actors explain about the living conditions of the people who were so anxious to come to the new world. I can't even imagine 102 people living in that tiny space, feeding their families, entertaining small children, living, breathing, and dying.

We checked out the little gift shops lining the road and finally climbed back in the car. About another 45 minutes and we were in Providence. My sweetie wanted to eat at Not Your Average Joe's since he had eaten there in Boston. Their bread was amazing! We also shared their meatloaf and their lettuce wraps; so good.
Dinner was perfect and kept us out of most of the traffic as we made our way into Connecticut where we are spending the night. Tomorrow we meet up with my dad and Teach and Twiz in New Jersey so we better get some rest.
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