As you are well aware I've had a very crazy year... well it's about to get even crazier! I met Jay at one of the hardest points of my life. From day one he made me feel special. He became my best friend as I tried to meet lots of new people (AKA I was going out with a different guy everyday). He listened to me rant about work and school and my childhood friends. He truly was my most loyal companion.

So when one of those guys hurt me really bad Jay was there to take care of me and remind me I was worth something. I think it was that moment, when we sat in the parking lot of the Provo temple, that I knew I was going to marry him. And every day since then I have had it reiterated to me again and again.

I've told him things about myself I hadn't previously told anyone (not even myself). I let him comfort me when I was scared or laugh with me so hard I cried. When I saw myself as broken and unwanted he saw me strong. He is always seeing the best in me and always trying to help me see that too.

So yesterday he took me to his family's cabin and he had a blanket fort (one he had sewed together for one of our first dates). He filmed the whole thing and we watched it and it was pretty funny. You should have seen the deer in the headlights look I got when there was a camera in there with me. I was so nervous but when it came down to it it was just me and him and it was perfect.
We are planning to get married in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple on August 13, 2016. I am excited to share our journey with you, but I'm even more excited to share it with Jay. (I guess he needs a blog name... suggestions?)
So in short, he is amazing. I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with him. He is my best friend in a way I didn't even know was possible. .
Congratulations!!!! :0)
Woohoo! Congratulations! Hope you can find a good blog name for him!
Congrtatulations to you Miss Princess and your fiancé too..Sometimes one window closes and another opens in ones life..Guess God had a plan for this fellow to meet and get to know you in many times of your life and see how it turned out..The very best to you and yours, I can only imagine how happy your Mother and Father and siblings are for you..God's Blessings and be so happy and have a wonderful marriage and life together here and forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is one beautiful love story. Congratulation!
so precious, congrats
I say since you're Princess, I think he should be called Prince, that way it can be Prince and Princess.
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