yes ma'am! (: It was fabulous. We didn't have a baptism, but we
should anytime between now and April 12th. (: Nick told his mom and she wants to
come (which is wonderful news) His grandma came to church with him yesterday.
Totally Irish Catholic but she is so sweet. She even signed up to feed us and
she wants to read the Book of Mormon. (: So many cool things with that. Nick is
awesome. (: We had our first real lesson with him and it was filled with the
Spirit - he is so committed to this- and when we got in the car the CD turned on
full blast and played The Hallelujah Chorus! (: It was one of the funniest yet
most accurate moments of my mission. (:
I don't believe she has ever called me ma'am in her entire life. Must be a Texas thing, because we sure don't hear it much in Utah unless it's from a cashier or something. One thing Teach has definitely gained is a clearer understanding of the scriptures.

I think it might be a part of my gift of organization. I can't
really... explain how, but my brain has organized the scriptures in a visual way
and it just retains things. I remember the first time my mind caught a hold of
that scripture was when Sister Ames shared it during a devotional. Then I
just....remember it when I need to stand still.
But this is my favorite part of what she shared with me this week. I hope it's not too personal for her because I thought it was super cool.
So yesterday was Fast Sunday. I LOVE Fast Sunday. SO much. (: As I
was closing my fast I was praying and praying and pondering and praying and
pondering again. (it's a process (: ) and near the end I was on my knees and I
had asked the Lord what He would have me know. Then I listened. I cleared my
mind and just waited. It was interesting because I could sense that the Spirit
was shuffling through my memories. Like I imagine it like an office filled with
many filing cabinets, drawers, and files. He was looking for exactly what He
wanted to place in my heart. These are the phrases and things that came to my
mind... in this order and in these exact words.
I think I need to try a little harder when I fast. :)
- This is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
- Onward Christian Soldiers... with the cross of Jesus going on before.
- Everything is gonna be alright, rock-a-bye
- Good job, Kiyna!
- He lives! All glory to His name, He lives my Savior still the same, Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives, I know that my Redeemer lives!
- Count your many blessings
- We can be together forever (song from a really cheesy missionary video)
- Your family past, present and future are rooting for you.
- Your work is pleasing and is affecting generations.
I think I need to try a little harder when I fast. :)
Many blessings to Teach.
It definitely makes me want to try harder when I fast, too. Thanks for sharing...that is amazing!
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