Just lounging with Daddy. |
Remember when I had that horrible migraine on Monday? We had planned to drive the hour and a half to spend the night in a hotel near Drama Queen's apartment. We did that last year and the kids loved it! So we rescheduled our reservations for Wednesday and we drove down after all the kids were finally out of bed.

We tried to get the Drama Queen's truck running as a service project while we were down there, but without a mechanic, we were limited on knowledge and resources. It didn't help that the only Auto Parts store was closed for the holiday.
The pool house was so steamy! |
Lots of fun in the hot tub. |
At the hotel we swam in the pool for a couple of hours and then had dinner at the Arbys. It was fun to see Drama Queen's students working the counter. The boy who helped us was the lead for her play last fall. After dinner we went back to the hotel and played cards for a couple of hours. Then I read to my sweetie until it was time to sleep. When we travel we usually have a room for ourselves and Baby Doll, then one room for the boys and another for the girls. It works out well. Princess is in charge of the girl room and the Dog Walker keeps the boys in line.
They all stayed up too late watching TV and giggling, but we still convinced them to roll out about 8:30 for the free breakfast offered in the lobby. After cereal and waffles we took another trip back to the pool for an hour. I preferred the hot tub so I didn't get cold, but the kids splashed in the big pool with my sweetie. The Dog Walker brought all his blowups and they had a great time.
We finished at the pool just after 10:00 and we cleaned up and loaded the van. Checkout time was noon, but we were finished just before 11:00. We stopped one last time to see if by some miracle we could get the truck to start, but it wasn't doing anything, so we drove home.
Time to load up. |
Princess loved the rooms! |
It was a fun, relatively cheap little trip that will hopefully give the kids many fond memories. The older I get, the more I realize that my house is full of "stuff." We just don't need anything! Spending time together and learning to love each other is the greatest gift I can give my children.
And it doesn't hurt to throw in a little Arby's roast beef in the process...
Sounds mighty sweet your family time to me...If only others could have a mom and dad like your family is and does..What are things when you get older most kids remember the times they spend with their families and the time they can talk to them, spend with them not the things..I am from a Spanish and German family, the time spent at the kitchen table and dining table was almost sacred, many were invited, My Mother cooked up a storm & my Daddy too..when my Mother passed my world changed and it was not for the good at all, I only remember my tiny childhood sitting on my papa's lap eating from a tiny plate while he conversed with people they considered friends to them from church or work or just plain and sweet human beings..I yearn for the days of those, when I read your blog daily I just know my parents are letting me know from Heaven that their are others who share the same philosophy and religious obsersances toooo.. I especially love your frugalness my Mom was absolutely the best with the little she did have and we all felt so much love and luxury with her frugalness, she did not care what others thought whatsoever, we had many siblings and mouths to feed, she was an excellent cook, my daddy too..They lived for their faith and familia..Happy New Year to you and yours..ciao XXX()()()()():):):):):!~!
I meant to say observances and faith, my parents had more faith than other human beings I have ever met, coming to America becoming naturalized citizens, able to worship without persecution, voting, living in the greatest country in the world their country..Your blog is a beacon of hope, faith and love to all others who are parents and your kids will do so much good in this lifetime, if only others could embrace your morals and spiritual connections, the juvenile justice system would be not needed, more parents who truly loved their kids and used discipline with lots of love and affection..oh, my what a lovely world we would have! ciaoX()
Sounds like some wonderful family time. I love staying in hotels and I'm sure the kids had a blast in their rooms. Sorry you couldn't get the truck going.
Happy New Year!
That sounds like such a fun little get away together! I love the idea of swimming, relaxing together, and ARBYS! Oh I love Arby's! We stopped and got Arby's right after our wedding because we were starving, so now we try to incorporate Arby's into our anniversary each year somehow, normally a quick lunch! Happy New Year, Sandy!
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