Feb 25, 2025

Traveling as Two: Fairfield Bay

We decided to drive around and check things out today. We also went up and down Roller Coaster Hill... (cough) several... times. My sweetie loves coasters!

We stopped at the bowling alley and rented the necessary equipment to play a little mini golf. The weather here is 100% improved. My sweetie even shedded his jacket, but it didn't seem to help his game much. I even fished several golf balls from the water hazards for him. He says he won the second game, but he conveniently forgot to add up the final numbers...hmmm...

The sun had just started to lose its luster when we spotted the second course. It must have been their original course, because it was in desparate need of repair and cleanimg, but we decided to play it anyway.

The rules were that you couldn't remove any debris. That was a gamechanger. There were leaves, pine cones, pine needle, rocks and larger sticks.

We finished the 18th hole just as the sun set, so we grabbed our stuff and drove back to the bowling alley to turn it in.

After the short drive back to the condo, I made us a nice dinner and we turned on the tv. 

No more relaxing; tomorrow we head off on a new adventure.

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