Jan 4, 2025

Getting More Things Done

This day felt sort of like a repeat of yesterday. I edited the rest of Burrito's work and tried to tie up the loose ends. Unfortunately, he had to leave for a camping trip with his troop and we couldn't get together to finish his Eagle Application.

So I spent most of the rest of the evening making more scrapbooks. I made dozens of pages for Crafty, but mostly, I worked on books for Baby Doll. As you already know, I prefer utility over fancy. Sharing just a few pages.

E has promised to keep sorting, so expect me to "keep getting more done" just a wee bit longer.

Jan 3, 2025

Getting Something Done

My sweetie has been quite insistent that we get something done over this long holiday from school. He is also off, so this morning he got after all of us with an incredibly hard to-do list. In his defense, we accomplished most of it and then some. He cleaned most of the carpets on the main floor, hung up his hat holders, worked on the leak in one of the tubs, and began a major cleanout of the mudroom and the black bathroom.

I assisted with cleanup and such, but I also helped Burrito with his final Eagle paperwork, got Curly's girlfriend, E, to start sorting scrapbook memorabilia by child, visited my dad, and played 2 hours of volleyball with Sport and his girlfriend and her family.

But my most lasting efforts (besides Burrito) were spent putting together some of the sorted scrapbook stuff. I made more than a dozen pages for Baby Doll, but I put together a whole binder for Sport. Here are just a few pages.

I'm looking forward to "getting something done" again tomorrow.