Aug 29, 2018

Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

Bossy went back to work today, so Skittles and I had our first hour alone together. He did awesome! And this will be the norm at least for a while. Gamer has to be to work at 2:30 and Bossy gets off at 2:30, but she still has to drive across town. It's not an ideal situation, but hopefully it will work. Tomorrow I will have Twizlet and Skittles. Thankfully, I will have Puppy Lover here to help me as well.

Scout has been trying out for the 9th grade volleyball team at her school. Since she is only in 7th grade, that is a pretty tall order, but she is a good player and tomorrow night we will know. My sweetie is headed out of town for a couple of days for work, so it's a good thing I spent the morning with him. It was his birthday and we decided to go out for breakfast. He is such a blessing for me. I'm not sure what I did to get such a good man, but I am grateful for him every day.

I'm finally finishing up for the evening. So much going on, I've been burning the midnight oil again. Maybe ones of these days I will actually get caught up!


Anonymous said...

Where was the picture taken?


Marci said...

I think I must have missed a post somewhere-who is Puppy Lover?

LeAnn said...

Happy Birthday to your Sweetie! I can tell he is a very good man. I think we are blessed. Wow, you are adding to your already full schedule with babysitting your grandchildren. I still don’t know how you do it all.
Loved the photo!
Loving thoughts and hugs!

Bossy said...

Dog walker's wife changed her name from cat lover to puppy lover so they wouldn't be opposites.

Mom of 12 said...

Sorry I missed your comment (Bossy gave me what-for because it appeared I was ignoring you). That pic was taken on our recent vacation to South Dakota, I believe on one of our hikes in the Badlands.

Marci said...

Ah! Thank you! Now some posts are making more sense to me!