Sep 30, 2019

Mission Pics

On Sunday morning we went to a mission farewell for my nephew. He leaves this week for Chile. My sister-in-law knows how to throw a terrific party! It makes me nervous for Crafty's big day in pretty nearly a month from now when she leaves for the Mission Training Center and her last stop before she heads off to the Philippines.

With Teach busily preparing for her new baby that is due THIS WEEK and getting her 4th grade class situated as well as Crafty's reluctance to find just the right dress, we have put off her mission pictures until now. And you, my friends, are the first ones to see any of them, and I'm thrilled with the way they turned out. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I think I didn't even know mission pictures had become "a thing." They're cute.


LeAnn said...

Wow, I loved her mission pictures; they are stunning. Way to go, Crafty; you will make a great missionary.
Blessings and hugs for you!