If you remember, last year I was in a vendor booth for part of the fair. This year they had very few booths. The carnival was better and 4-H had a much bigger face in the exhibit hall. I know they had new people take over and they seem to be in a building year which is good, because the last two years things have been going downhill fast.
We scored some free ride passes and the kids had a great time. I have it on good authority that Bossy and the Dog Walker can really get the Tilt-a-Whirl spinning like crazy! Several kids threatened to throw up on the way home, including Bossy.
Princess is planning to enter the Cupcake Contest on Saturday, but she didn't enter any of the other baking categories this year. She has aged out of the youth category, so the competition is much more difficult, although other than Best of Show, I think they can give out as many blue ribbons as they want.

I love going to the fair.
The Clark County Fair in Clark County Washington is going strong, it competes with a lot of other activities in the area..No vendors for Tupperware people thought it too expensive and did not buy and the lady and or ladies wasted their precious time at that fair..No rides would let anyone on their rides with anykind of handicap or needing help something about liabilities and all, printed in our local newspaper, we have free passes parking is $7.00 and one has to wonder if your car will be broken into the transportation system has free buses and shuttles.>We may go we may not, it has broken all heat records a 100 to 150 drought so hot and horrible, no rain, no snow and no coolness, we escape the the Washington coast and love it, if they would have a decent medical facility/hospital we would sell and live there for the rest of our days, it is spectacular and we know the way to live there not like a TOURIST whatsoever..enjoy your time with your kids before school starts, praying for Prima Donna and her broken ankle..also congrats upon your daughter Teach who is starting or started teaching 5th grade how wonderful and proud you and your hubs must be of her!!!!!!!
I meant to say 100 year to 150 year drought in all of Washington and bordering state of Oregon too, it has greatly affected the entire area, just no rain, precipitation, snow or anything, no ski season, no nice times for tourists a big industry and poor little Seattle (I am joking here) they complain about 10 days of 90 degree heat well here in Vancouver we have had 24 days of 90 and above heat and lots of those days were in the triple digits, no one has a/c we were forced to get 2 a/c with lots of btu's or nearly die in our tiny home, we were lucky found them at a place last they had and the fellow came out to help us put them in, now we can dine at home and stay in our living room two of the largest rooms in our tiny home, at night we nearly sleep in our huge kitchen or living room our bedrooms are like ovens, we came to this town in summer 1978 and it rocked heat that year but nothing like this 2014 thru 2015 year whatsoever, it just drags on and on..It has affected everything in our area..Hoping you enjoy your area I understand it is still hot as a pepper plant tooo..aloha!
The blurry pocs are my fault apparently the camera lense had fongerprints, but Gamer cleaned it later when he was scanning in a walmart app.
Gosh, we live practically across the street from the fair and we haven't ever been since we lived here. It seems like we are always traveling or something. My husband said tonight that maybe we should walk over tomorrow; so perhaps we will. We have a short break with children coming and going this weekend.
I feel sorry that sweet girl couldn't go on the rides. Of course I would be elated since i don't like the rides very much and they always make me a little sick.
Blessings and hugs!
They have a free breakfast at our Clark County Fair the first day and admission is free IF YOU CAN SNAG THE TICKET FROM THE LOCAL FRED MEYERS WHICH THEY ALWAYS RUN OUT OF..NO FREE HOT DOGS OR ANYTHING HERE, ADMISSION IS PRETTY STEEP I WON A LOT OF TICKETS WE MAY GO THIS EVENING WITH ANOTHER COUPLE WHO COULD NOT AFFORD IT AT ALLW ITH THEIR LITTLE ONE WHICH I WILL HOLD SHE IS A DARLING BABY DOLL..I will visit the Tupperware booth but if that big bowl with lid is $60.00 or more I will just stroll on by, too expensive even though they last for years my yellow pale yellow at that lasted for almost 40 years and it cracked the whole side I just tossed it as it is just the hubs and myself, got a pyrex bowl set at the food pantry as a gift it is lovely huge came with other bowls I was thrilled a birthday gift, the lady who got it for me said she got it on amazon, free shipping and the whole shebang 8 bowls and lids was under $30.00 no need for Tupperware, but hope you get lots of orders..
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