OK, I didn't actually GO to school.
Princess told me she took a pic of Crafty today, but it doesn't seem to be on anybody's phone. If I can find it, I will put it in for you. It's been one of those days.
You know, the first day of school is rough for the kids. They get to dress up in cute new clothes and carry colorful new backpacks, and see their friends for the first time in months. Yeah, they do have to sit through classes and meet new teachers, but it beats what I had to do today, all in the name of the first day of school.
I started my morning at 6:30....6:40. I hit the snooze button once on my phone. I got the kids up (except that I sort of forgot that Prima Donna needed to go to school early and she was almost late.) I took her to school and then I dropped off Scout. The carpool picked up Crafty and Sport and Teach took off for work right before the Drama Queen and Princess left for mission/school.
Baby Doll and I ran Curly to school and then when we got home, she told me everyone was gone and we should take a nap. So we did... for an hour.
Then it was time to get the Dog Walker off to his appointment for his new job. It turns out we were supposed to be there at 10, not 11, but thankfully, they were not upset and they got him through orientation. Then we were off and running errands. Baby Doll and I first stopped at Riverton Music, but they didn't have the book that Sport needed, so we drove about 40 blocks to Summerhays where they did happen to have it and the cork grease Scout needed for her clarinet.
Then we stopped by the scout shop and picked up the Lifesaving Merit Badge book because Sport is taking a class all week right after school and before football practice. But I digress...
We took 20 minutes trying to get Curly's registration figured out and we bought him a scout shirt (he was so excited to try it on tonight!). Then we went to Marketplace and bought Sport a calculator for his math class, the 3-subject notebook Crafty needed and 36 boxes of blackberries at 50-cents a piece.
We stopped at the fruit stand to check for peaches for my Activity Days girls, I'm going to teach them to can peaches on Thursday, but nothing was quite right. We may have to run to Utah County tomorrow. Then it was home, but only long enough to grab a sandwich and make the fliers for pack meeting. We still didn't have a firm plan on how we were going to present two Arrows of Light when we had to be outside because they were refinishing the gym floor.
We packed in the car and drove to the doctor's office so the Dog Walker could have a TB test for his new job. He is terribly afraid of needles and he wasn't very happy. Then it was Kohl's to buy some white t-shirts with my Kohl's Kash that Sport needed for gym class. Then it was Sports Authority for the Lacrosse Ball, Stretch Rope, and KT support tape Princess needed for her dance class. We finished just in time to pick up Prima Donna from school and drop off the Dog Walker to pick up papers he needed for his Praxis accommodations from the Special Ed teacher.
Baby Doll and I ran fliers for Pack Meeting and then picked up the Dog Walker to help us finish. We got back to the house just in time to take Sport to his Lifesaving class and by then I had wrapped my brain around a plan for pack meeting. We gathered all the PVC bows and arrows and I sent the Dog Walker after gold curly ribbon while I went back to Marketplace for dowels to make more arrows and I couldn't resist buying 24 more boxes of blackberries and some freezer bags (there was no way I had time to do jam).
Curly and Scout |
When I got back home, I set Princess on blackberry duty and Drama Queen on bow and arrow duty, and I also had Princess cut all my backing papers for my invitations to my dad's big birthday bash so that I can get them mailed out to my siblings tomorrow. He is turning 80. But I digress... again...
I drove to Bossy's house to pick up her extra bows for pack meeting and got back just in time to run Curly to Football practice. On the way back from dropping Curly, I picked up Sport from Lifesaving and took him home to get ready for football practice. He had 15 minutes and he was pretty unhappy. Bossy was at the house, so I packed the basket for pack meeting in the time I had before it was time to drive to the park. Taco also needed a ride to his practice.
Time check... 5:30. Pack meeting started at 6:30. Princess had put the finishing touches on the 96 cupcakes she made for me after school and the Dog Walker had changed into his scout things, so we packed the van. At 6:15 we left for the church. It wasn't too difficult to set up our portion of the pack meeting and get the awards ready to present.
I helped the Dog Walker with all the rank advancements except the Arrows and then sent everyone to eat hot dogs before they got cold. I was fine with that because it was time for me to run to the park and pick up Curly. We got back just in time to wolf down a hot dog and help the Dog Walker with the rest of the awards including the cubs shooting off the arrows with gold ribbons in honor of the final advancement of these two cub scouts. It went really well, even better than I had hoped. After that I joined in the kickball game and the cleanup. We got home just in time to unload the van before I had to pick up Sport from practice. It was 8:30.
I had already sent out my reminders for volleyball and I had a few minutes to change my clothes before it was time to leave again. We set up the volleyball poles and net at 9:00 and eventually we had 12 people which was just perfect. We played until about 10:30, cleaned up and drove home. Drama Queen had the little ones in bed, but the house was a disaster. Not that I could do anything about that until after we had finished the homework check.
The Dog Walker was super upset to realize he had a bunch of math problems due. He and Princess sat at the table and worked through the homework for the two classes they share while I loaded dishwashers and cleaned up the living room and kitchen. I sorted and checked backpacks, signed papers, wrote checks...
The Dog Walker and Princess went to bed at 1:00 and I made my way here to the office to update you on my first day of school. It was rough, but if you ask my kids, I had it easy compared to them.