We have had the craziest weather this month! You know we are in the middle of a drought here. We didn't get hardly any snow this winter and people have been so worried about how we are going to have enough water for our gardens and even to drink.

But then May came and so did the rains. It has been crazy here! We have had rain almost every day. All the baseball and softball games keep canceling and rescheduling. Curly has to play 2 double-headers now and these guys are six years old!
Today was the craziest. I left the house with the Dog Walker to drop him off at the library and run a couple of other errands like gassing up my car. Our first stop was the high school and the Dog Walker ran a paper inside for Prima Donna. The skies were pretty clear...until he got back in the car.

By the time I got out on the road, the rain was pelting down in huge raindrops that seemed to splash back up when they hit the ground. By the time we drove the six blocks to Redwood Road, the hail had started. Marble-sized missiles smacked my car. For a minute I thought they might even break my windshield, but they didn't.

When we got to the library, poor Dog Walker had to run to the door while ducking the hail and rain. Then for a minute the hail was gone and I thought the rain was subsiding, but it was only catching its breath to blow in an even bigger storm.

As I pulled back on to Redwood (I only had about 4 blocks to go to join Drama Queen and Baby Doll at Smith's so we could both buy gas), the hail started again with a vengeance. Before I got to the gas station, the ground was covered with hail so much so that it looked like snow.
When I pulled over at Smith's, I rolled down my window and caught one which I handed to Baby Doll so she could see it. And what do you think she did?
That's right, she popped it into her mouth! "It's an ice cube," she exclaimed.
Well it has been raining off and on since right before mothers day this month. So it has been one very wet and crazy may!
Yup! That was quite the storm. I didn't get out in it; but we did spend sometime watching it.
We so need the water; so I have been grateful for the rain. Loved that she thought it was a ice cube; so cute.
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