I'm not sure how we could cram much more into a Saturday! Scout had a softball game at 9:00 this morning and Taco and Sport had to be at the Scouting Expo at 9:00 to work in the booths. After the game, Drama Queen made us lunches and then we all headed to the Expo.

We arrived about 11:00, grabbed a table and ate our sandwiches. Then it was off to the booths. Bossy and the Dog Walker took all the cub scouts and I took Sport to the boy scout side of things. We were excited to see all the activities he could use toward merit badges.

His first stop was the Disabilities Awareness booth. The paperwork wasn't all that fun, but his favorite part was playing Goal Ball. It was funny that when we got there we found Bossy and her group already on the court. They were earning the disability awareness belt loop on the cub scout side!

We loved the Architecture/Drafting booth and the Stamp Collecting booth. Sport got a pretty good start on all 3 of those badges. Bean Dip joined us after his stint in the popcorn booth and we pressed on.

They played a bit in the cubmobile booth and with the fishing poles, but then we discovered the Woodworking merit badge area. They told us it would take about an hour from start to finish, but that sounded perfect to me.

While we waited for them, the other kids got through the bounce house line and then decided to join us. Soon everyone but the Dog Walker and Baby Doll were measuring, cutting, and sanding wood to make their own peg boards. She was not happy to be left out, so I asked the Dog Walker to find something else she could do.

It wasn't long before he texted me that they were waiting in line to try the kayak. She was so excited to paddle that she waited for nearly an hour to get her turn! She was one of the last few to get the chance and she was so cute that they let her go around twice.
We left the expo as they were cleaning up the booths, but it took us about half an hour to get home because of all the traffic from the REAL game.

Drama Queen and I went to Teach's best friend's wedding reception when we got home. My sweetie made BBQ ribs for supper and I worked in a couple of quick trips to the store. Princess and Crafty were at Lagoon all day for a dance competition and Prima Donna had to work at the Jazz Dinner Dance at the high school.

And Sport had a party tonight at a friend's house. Now I am sitting here dozing in front of my computer, trying not to bore you to tears with my ramblings. How was your Saturday? Did you get some fun things done?
1 comment:
Oh my gosh; I am exhausted after reading about your Saturday events. I all looked fun of course. Loved the pictures.
Hugs for all!
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