Sep 21, 2024

Traveling as Two - Sicklerville

On Friday morning, we packed up to finish our drive up the coast. One thing we hadn't actually seen on the coastal highway was the coast - the beach - up close.

Our next stop was Dover and the state capitol (since it was on the way).

They have the weirdest trees in Delaware!

I stop often for restrooms and every time I stop, I buy something to pay for the privilege. On one stop, I found Juicy Fruit bubble gum!! So of course we had to try it out.

Did I win? We crossed a couple of cool bridges. 

I have been working on a project all week. Teach asked me to sew the patches on Twizlet's Brownie vest, but they didn’t have the right ones. So we stopped at the council shop in Virginia and then the one in New Jersey. Right after hugs, she modeled her new vest for us.

They had fixed us a delicious turkey dinner and then we celebrated birthdays.

It was another great day. More fun tomorrow!

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