May 14, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend - part 2

We got to Star Valley about 5:00. The little log cabins were so cute!

They had some amazing features!

Unfortunately, only Curly got a chance to enjoy our tub.

It was nearly dark when the kiddos in Sport's vehicle caught up to us. After we ate chicken and rolls in the room, we piled in the van and headed for darkness.

We finally found some dark at the cemetery...and we weren't the only ones there.

The stars were beautiful, but we couldn't see any color, so we created our own with Bossy's homemade light sabers.

We finally put away the sabers and started watching the skies. They still looked pretty dark, but Crafty used a long exposure and she got some light colors.

We stayed until about midnight, hoping we might see something with the naked eye, but we didn't.

We got a little sleep and got up for breakfast and church. We wanted to drive into Afton so we could attend church in Dr Pead's ward. 

His church was right next door to the Star Valley Wyoming Temple.

It was so good to see him! Did you remember that he delivered 9 of my babies and most of Bossy's? He retired a few years ago.

After church, we checked out and headed for home. Such a fun and crazy trip!!

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