I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell this story, but even though it has a happy ending, the emotional stress made both my sweetie and I just a mess.
So on Friday night, Curly and Burrito had planned to go camping with their scout troop until they scheduled pictures for the football team. Since Gamer is a troop leader now, he told Taco to go up with the Scoutmaster and he would bring Burrito and Curly up later. It was a tight schedule with a 45-minute drive and a 2.5 mile hike, all before dark.
Just as we were leaving the movie at nearly midnight, Bossy called in a panic. The guys were missing. To make matters worse, Taco had headed down the trail by himself to meet them and he was missing too.
Bossy had just gotten off the phone with Dispatch and they were going to send a car to check the parking lots near the trailhead. My sweetie and I chose prayer, not panic, and then we turned on the TV with something mindless. We weren't sleeping until we knew something.
Just after 1:00AM, Bossy got a call from our poor frantic Scoutmaster. Everyone was safe and he could see lights on the trail. Curly said they finally dragged into camp at 2:51AM.
The guys had gone to the wrong trailhead and Gamer estimated the 2.5-mile hike was closer to 10, mostly in the dark. We were just grateful they were all safe.