Jul 29, 2020

Guess Who is Going to Graduate from UVU?

We are so excited for Dog Walker! After all these years of hard work and determination, he is finally about to be awarded his Bachelor of Science degree from Utah Valley University!

He actually completed all of his coursework and received notice of graduation back in December, but for him, nothing is complete until he places that motorboard on his head and wears that beautiful green gown and his magna cum laude medallion and has a chance to shine in front of his peers.

When he was first diagnosed with Autism, I put this dream on the shelf and barely dared to glance at it until he had finished his Associates. Then, when he decided he wanted to try University studies, I still only glanced at this possible outcome every now and then. For many years, it seemed impossible. 

This entire journey has been continuous, including summers, since 2012. The Dog Walker is truly living proof that if you want something bad enough, no matter who you are, that with faith and help from Heaven (and maybe your mama), you can achieve anything!

So proud of you, Dog Walker.


Anna Banana said...

So awesome. Amazing work Dog Walker!

Anonymous said...

Wow whee congratulations and magnificent job dog walker...Magnum cum laude to boot! It is inspirational to everyone everywhere what you have accomplished..Your Mother is wonderful and your Father too! I pray for your continued accomplishments and accolades..What a blessed individual you are and your wonderful family...I just don't get how others don't read and learn how to really parent from your blog (for your Mom & Dad)! Gods continued blessings & many happy days ahead in your life..from mjs in washington state whereby we could definitely use more moms and dads like you are blessed with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's awesome! Looking forward to seeing him in the "Motorboard!"


LeAnn said...

Congratulations to Dog Walker. I think this is beyond awesome. I know he has worked hard and I love that he persevered. I love all the support he got too. I have followed along and been so impressed with Dog Walker.
Sending lots of hugs to Dog Walker today!