I was up until 5:00 AM making pj pants last night and I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to put together a post for you. I was hoping to do my 3rd quarter link up with Emmy and Shell and my other blogger friends, but that didn't happen. I was up again about 8:30. There is just so much to do!! My sweetie insisted I lay down for a quick nap this afternoon, but it's nearly 2:00 a.m. now, and I must confess that I'm tired.
To help make my life easier, my sweetie is helping with this post. He wrote the family history story I promised a few days ago about the sleigh bells.
"A couple of days ago the sleigh bells were mentioned and the story behind
them. I’m not entirely sure of the history of the bells before the late
sixties and early seventies, but what I do know is that they belonged to my
grandfather, and he said they came from a real and actual sleigh. He kept them in a closet under the stairs, and we would get them
out and jingle them.
We loved them because they sounded and looked just like
the bells that Santa carried when he came to our church meeting on Christmas
Eve. Every year Santa would come and give all of us kids a little sack with
peanuts, candy, and an orange, and he always had the same bells that looked and
sounded just like my grandfather's bells.

All of us kids knew the difference
between the fake Santa that was at the stores downtown and the real one who
showed up at the church on Christmas Eve. He was loving and thoughtful and knew
our names and was so sweet. He would often show up at our homes an hour or two
after the program. I still remember the time he came to my house and told me he
would bring me some Legos later that night... Sure enough, the next morning there
were the Legos! As the years passed, the real Santa must have gotten too busy
because one year Santa sounded a lot like Bishop Hardy... and a few years after
that I saw bishop Hardy come and borrow the bells from Grandpa a few hours before
the program...
My mom eventually got the bells from her Dad, and I borrowed them to play
Santa once. After a few years of that they just stayed with me and my
Santa suit.. Which is perfect because they look and sound just like the real
Santa’s bells."
We hope you have a wonderful happy Christmas full of love and laughter.
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