Itty-bittys… that's a term we like to use with the kids when they get feeling bad about something that maybe they should have had a thicker skin about. It’ kinda of cow boy… or cowgirl up, but just on an emotional level… At great personal risk after reading my wife's latest blog post, I had to risk it.
Sandy, don’t you think maybe you're having some itty-bittys? Yes, having twelve kids makes some people get all upset and they go out of their way to tell us why they think it's irresponsible to the economy, environment, etc. When we take the family on a trip we get told we’re "number one" a lot in more other states. (Some people consider the one finger salute something else, go figure...), and back when people were threatening me with physical harm it wasn’t fun at all, but Maria didn’t do any of these things. She didn't even include any of the normal objections.
Don't we feel quilty burdenin sociecty, the goverment, the world with one more mouths ect. She didn't ask as if we never heard of birth control.. She didn't assume we took goverment handouts. She didn't assume it would be impossible to care and nuture for so many kids and raising them in a big family was short cutting them some how.
Maybe she meant then as an insult, but I don’t think so. I think she just wanted to know why. The page says "ask me anything".. so get over the itty-bittys and answer the question.

Just to be fair, here are some of my reasons. for having 12 kids.
1. We just like kids. We enjoy all age activities and find it enjoyable.
2. My wife is hot.
3. We have been blessed to be able to afford to feed and shelter the bunch of them.
4. We make choices like driving older cars, shopping sales, etc., that help us with number 3. We do that because of number 1.
5. We have found that as our family has grown, our ability to care and nurture has also grown.
6. We don’t believe that there are too many people on earth, and that growth is fundamentally good for the economy.
7. We believe that our Heavenly Father made this earth so we could come to earth, gain a body, and gain experience. For many of us that experience includes raising children. That’s what He wants us to do.
8. Really number 7 sums it all up. We believe children are a sacred blessing from our Heavenly Father, and we have happily agreed to care for as many as He trusts us with. And we feel privileged and honored to do so.
So do I ever feel guilty? Yes! To have so many blessing when so many struggle to have any or are limited after only one or two, sometimes it just doesn’t seem fair for me to have been blessed with so many. But then I see someone with a nice boat, cabin, or Chrysler 300 SRT8 and I remember that blessing aren’t passed out evenly I’m not sure why, but I know it will all make sense someday. So I go back to being grateful that I’ve been blessed with 12 kids and a hot wife as the guy in the SRT blows my doors off… Maybe it’s time for a trip to California. I need someone to tell me I’m "number one."