Mar 23, 2025

Volleyball Tournament- Day 2

Our team didn't fare very well today. They lost in the first round of the toutnament.

Better next time!

Mar 22, 2025

What Are We Doing?

Guess what we are doing this weekend!!

Wait, let me give you a hint...

If you guessed we are in Logan at Baby Doll's volleyball tournament, you would be correct! She is playing so well!

Mar 19, 2025

So Many Good Things


Dog Walker and I braved the snow this morning, and we did sealings at the Jordan River Temple.

My sweetie got a nice raise at work, so we celebrated by going out to dinner at the Asian Bistro.

I visited with my dad at the care center, and I'm happy to report that he is doing really well right now.

Bossy and Gamer got a quick visit from Fajita when she came home for a friend's funeral. She and her boyfriend left for Texas on Monday morning.

We also finished delivering the cookies and I have dug back in with the scrapbooks and the tax stuff. Always a million things.