Jul 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

We had so much fun today doing a few fireworks and playing a game of basketball in the backyard. I finished embroidering all the blankets for girls' camp so I wouldn't have to worry about them while we are on vacation next week.

The Dog Walker is still inundated with homework, so the holiday tomorrow will be interspersed with posting assignments, a parade, and the rest of the huge box of fireworks my sweetie picked up for the occasion.

I finally got a chance to hear from Teach today. She went to the temple this week so her p-day was Thursday instead of Monday. I'll share her goings-on in a day or two.

A couple of days ago I got a chance to attend the free color class at SuperCuts. I just love that place! Anyway, I think as a midlife crisis, I decided to have some real colors put in my hair. When I went in I was thinking purple, but my patriotism won the day and I now have red and blue streaks in it.

What do you think? They tell me it will only last for about 12 washings...

Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Oh, I so love your hair; way to go. Loved your post for the 4th and the pictures.