I have been trying to figure out how to make her first birthday away from home a happy one. So today I made a little flier with detachable address labels and dropped it by her old work with a comment to please send her a birthday card. I also took a little stack to Curves for her friends there. Drama Queen passed her address around on Facebook with the same plea. We are hoping that tons of her friends will respond by sending her a card.
That's when I got the bright idea that instead of putting all of our birthday wishes into one box, the kids could each send her a separate card in the mail! I happened to pick up these bright pink envelopes cheap when Xpedx went out of business here in Salt Lake, and I've addressed about a dozen of them today. Then Drama Queen made individual cards for each kid and adult to write a little message and then mail. Here's the one she made for Princess.

"Sure!" I replied. "There's a brand new sheet of stamps in my purse that I just bought." Then I hung up my cell and went back to keeping score. About 15 minutes later he called me again. "Mom," the worry was evident in his tone. "Don't these letters need stamps? I put them all in the box and then I saw that they didn't have stamps so I grabbed one out but the rest of them fell in."

OK, I confess, I hung up on him. Five minutes later he called me again. "The post office is closed, Mom. Nobody is there." I sighed. "Did you go inside?" He admitted that he had. "Did you knock on the door?" No, he hadn't knocked on the door. So once again I hung up and left him to his own devices.
Scout struck out. This was not a good day.

About 10 minutes passed before my phone rang again. "I got them back!" I could hear the pride in his voice. "There was a lady back there and she came out to the box outside and helped me get all the pink envelopes out."
"Was she angry?" I couldn't help but ask. "No," he answered, "she was really nice." He paused, "She just reminded me to put the stamps on next time before I mail the letters and then she went back inside."
I smiled to myself. There truly are some good people in this world who are willing to help. Sometimes you just have to be persistent to find them...and maybe a little autistic as well.