Apr 20, 2012

The Construction Zone

So like it or not, I find myself in the middle of a construction zone. A few days ago, a huge paint bubble showed up on our kitchen ceiling. After a couple of pokes, water poured out. This was not happy news. We built our house almost 18 years ago with a local builder. It was a huge building boom in Utah. Our particular street had a dozen homes going in at the same time. Contractors were in high demand and so were sub-contractors. The rumor was that we got the substandard plumbing group who spent half their day on the job drinking.

They made a mess of our plumbing! We've had to take down drywall twice in the family room  because the bathtub upstairs had leaky pipes. That is still an on-going problem. Then about 5 years ago the ceiling in the kitchen nearly came down when the shower in our bedroom finally gave way. When we brought in someone to fix it, he said that the plumbers had cut the pan (or liner) that should have been keeping all the water in the shower. It was an awful project! I hate being without the kitchen. We spend so much of our gathering time there.

But here we are again.

My sweetie ripped out the kitchen ceiling and found all sorts of water damage. The Dog Walker moved the kitchen table into the living room where we can all feel like goldfish on display while we eat. And my sweetie uttered those dreadful words, "The damage is worse than I thought...it's going to take a couple of extra days."

It's a good thing I'll be spending all my time at the ball field.


Elle said...

oh you poor thing. Here I am moaning about putting a few new baskets in our place and you don't have a ceiling. At least you have an excuse not to do baking and big fancy dinners! Hahaha.

Love Elle xo

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Oh no! I should not complain anymore when we are doing a very minot construction on the house!

Arkansas Patti said...

I guess your chance for recourse against the contractor is gone. What a shame. At least you have an in house repair man. Hope you are back to normal soon.

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh, that is awful that you've had to deal with all of this. I hope that this time when it's fixed, it will be the last of your troubles.

yeewittlethings said...

Oh wow, that's so unfortunate! It's so frustrating when you put your trust in people to do their job properly and they don't give 100% isn't it? Hope it gets fixed soon enough! :)


Saimi said...

Oh my gosh what a disaster! The worst part of other peoples mistakes is we still have to pay for them!

Good luck in the reconstruction!

Audrey said...

Yecht. I hate discoveries like that. We purchased this house a few years ago, and within a few months had a water leak in the library ceiling that turned out to be an ongoing problem the previous owner had failed to tell us about. My husband took the entire ceiling down, which was heartbreaking because we had plaster moulding around the edges that couldn't be salvaged, and then we discovered that when whomever in the past updated the pumbing in the house (it was built in 1925 or thereabouts) they notched straight through support beams. It's a miracle the floor has never given way.

mommeeof10 said...

Our house is 100+ years old. We are always finding stuff that was not done right. I'm fairly certain the reason we always got a shock when pulling the string to change the ceiling fan speed was that the ground wire was connected to the black (hot) wires...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear about this. Not fun at all tearing up ceilings and fixing plumbing issues. ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

18 years is not a long time for the damage you have received on your home..here we have had to replace 2 bathrooms from the floor up..my hubby cannot do much a bad back, but the person who watched over the whole housing development now has a business and knows our home he has remodeled most of it for low fees and we are pleased..but we had to be out of our home for 2 weeks and we went on a mini vacation to the coast coming back to see what was up, he finished it early, our dog went with us we had no cats then, our daughter was in a camp that summer right by our tiny house we got to use relatives owned it now it is a big motel chain...sorry for all the inconvenience..something happens in life and one has to roll with it I like to think of it as a sign to be grateful for even having a home to live in..a blessing no matter the mess or fuss...just saying!!!

Trina said...

No fun! I totally understand this (unfortunately)! We bought a fixer upper that leaked like a sieve. The night we moved in my husband filled the tub and we had a flood in the basement.

After living in construction for various reasons we moved to a brand new house, that we had built. Within just a couple years we started having issues (right as the warranty's ran out of course) and now I live in a construction or waiting to be constructed again state. Such is life. At least we are happy...and the mold doesn't seem to be affecting anyone yet, lol.

Hope your construction is very short lived and you enjoy the ball park!

MaryAnne said...

No fun!!!