Aug 8, 2011

Summer Vacation

I promised you a broken bones story, but I’m gonna have to keep you in suspense until tomorrow. I forgot about Shell’s new linky that I wanted to join. She is asking us all to write an essay on “What I Did for Summer Vacation…” OK, not really, but she is suggesting we link up some of the fun pics we took with our families this summer. So here we go.

(Oh yeah, and if I want to win prizes, I have to say Link up your Summer Fun for a chance to win prizes from Ubisoft
since I'm on a lucky streak, I thought it was worth the shameless advertising...I could use a new Just Dance game.)

In June we sent all the kids packing for a couple of weeks. They did Girls’ Camp, Youth Conference, Girl Scout Camp, Oakcrest…I don’t have any pics of any of those. But I do have this cute pic of Baby Doll that Teach took yesterday on her fancy camera.

We also went to the pageant in Manti and we spent the 4th of July weekend at Grandma’s. The Dog Walker needed to work on the Backpacking Merit Badge, so we did a couple of camping trips. I took my Girl Scout Troop to the zoo, and we spent lots of time just clowning around...

We bought a couple of Justin Beiber dolls; took the kids to see Cars 2. And kissing...don't forget the kissing!

Did I tell you we signed Sport up for football? He likes it most of the time, except when it's time to take off his helmet. It usually gets stuck around his ears.

We vacationed for a week in Idaho (remember that trip? We took the grandkids too…it was crazy!) We were all pretty happy to be home.

Summer ended for us on July 26 when the elementary-aged kids headed back to year-round school.  It's a good thing, because we were all pretty tired by then. And how did you spend your summer?


Alison said...

What a busy summer so far!! Love the last photo, absolutely adorable.

Simoney said...

Yes that last photo is CUTE!
I'm stopping by from Shell's linky... We are in Winter here in New ZEaland but I linked up a story from our summer; I do hate to miss a linky opportunity!

Anonymous said...

The sleeping and leaping pictures are my favorite. It looks like you had a wonderful summer.

Shell said...

Wow, you really did a lot this summer!

I'm a litle jealous of the year-round school. Seems like the shorter but more frequent breaks are a much better idea.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Love the one of the sleeping on the highchair tray! So cute!

Sara Lucinda Bell said...

Those are all good pictures but I particularly like that jumping picture down near the end!

Galit Breen said...

Oh my the cuteness! And those "clowing around" pics- so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love the kissing one, the sleeping one and the jumping one!

Year round school sounds lovely.

Great post.

Hopes@Staying Afloat! said...

Those photos are priceless. Looks like you had a fabulous summer! How fun!

I have yet to have a child fall asleep in the high chair...I have to say I'm a tad jealous!

Di said...

The last photo - MY FAVE! That is one tired babe!

Leighannn said...

Oh that last photo is a heart tugger!
I didn't know there was year round school!

Jessica {Team Rasler} said...

The last photo made me laugh out loud. So freaking cute! I agree with Shell about the year-round school. Wish the district where I teach (and live) would do that!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

I'm a huge supporter of year round school. Many 2-3 week breaks rather than 1 12 week break just seem so much more intuitively correct for learning to me.

Anonymous said...

That's a packed summer! I love the pics of you guys dancing and jumping! SO fun! Stopping by from the Summer fun linky. :) Thanks for sharing!