I hit 10 more schools today and put up the last of the posters for
The Nutcracker. It didn't seem too bad after yesterday.
All I did was chase around most of the day. I enjoyed a quick trip to Kohl's for a little Christmas shopping and I stopped by Sam's for groceries. We joke that it is the "hundred dollar store," but I think it's true for me. I always remember more things I need when I get there.
I barely had time to get groceries unloaded and the cold things put away before I had to run Crafty all the way up to the Murray Rec Center for her referee training. Things were crowded and busy on the roads, but we finally found the building. I almost decided it wasn't worth driving the half an hour back through rush hour for an hour at home before I would have to leave to pick her up.
I did shave a few minutes off the drive on my way home since I knew where I was headed. In that hour, I managed to help the Dog Walker solve a problem at school as well as get the turkey soup on the stove and the noodles cut so Sport could finish it up while I was back on the road.
Once Crafty and I returned, I had 15 minutes to down a bowl of soup before running Curly to the church for pack meeting. He received a couple of awards and managed to finish his activity of making a card for someone in the hospital before we left to get him to dance on time. I didn't want him to miss since the recital is next week!
Since I didn't take any other pics, I will give my clients some free advertising. |
Back home again, I cleaned up the kitchen and checked my email before running off to pick Curly up again. Then I had to be at the church for December Dodgeball by 9:00 pm. I finally got home about 10:15, helped kids finish homework, had scriptures, loaded the dishwashers, cleaned up the kitchen (again), had a heart-to-heart conversation with the Dog Walker, did some laundry, embroidered 4 stockings, a hat, and a pair of sweat pants. (And I still have quite a backlog of embroidery jobs to do this week.)
It must be time for bed.