Sep 18, 2024

Traveling as Two - Williamsburg

Tuesday dawned bright and early; we had places to go and people to see.

We started out at the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown. It was BIG!!

We skipped the outdoor settlement because it was raining and that meant they wouldn't be firing the guns.

We spent our last 30 minutes eating lunch in the cafe, waiting for the gift shop to reopen. But we loaded up and left for the Yorktown Battlefield.

The rain was still pouring down, but we didn't want to miss the visitor's center.

They also had a huge cannon.

It was time to see one more thing before heading back to the condo... a statue about the battle of Yorktown. 

Pretty impressive, even in the rain, but we had somewhere to be, HGV's Paint and Sipp event and the bus was leaving at 4:30.

We ate wood fired pizzas and sipped Diet Coke while we painted the Governor's Palace.

So much fun.

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