Sep 15, 2024

Traveling as Two - Philadelphia

We left on Saurday morning and by 5:00, we were in Philly. We usually travel with 3 suitcases, but this time, we had 5. Teach asked us to bring her a suitcase full of bread...

And we had some cookie jars and jewelry from Grandma for the girls. So Teach and Twiz met us at the airport and just like that (snaps!) we are down to three suitcases again.

Then we picked up our rental car and got on the road. We had a 2 1/2 hour drive to get to our hotel in Harper's Ferry. The sunset was beautiful.

We decided to stop for dinner at a little Greek place in the suburbs of Baltimore.

After we ate, we drove the rest of the way to Charles Town. It was late and we were ready for sleep. More tomorrow...

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