You ever thought about how quickly life changes? One minute I am concentrating on getting ready for Princess's baby shower on Saturday, stressing the little things (and the big ones), and then life throws me a curve.
Grandma??? I'm only 33... |
You probably remember that Bossy and Gamer's daughter Cat Woman (formerly Fajita) got married last October. What you might not know is that she and Batman were expecting a little girl on March 24th. A couple of days ago, she went into the hospital for some sharp pains in her side. The doctors discovered that the baby's heart rate was dropping and spiking so they decided to keep her for a couple of days.
Cat Woman looks fantastic! |
Then yesterday they transferred her to a larger hospital with an amazing NICU just in case. Sure enough, around 1:00 this morning, we got word that they were doing an emergency C section so Bossy and I climbed in the car and raced the 40 minutes or so (I say raced because she was driving...) to be with them.
Such a cutie! Better come up with a blog name quick! |
Cat Woman was still in surgery when we got there, but after a short wait, Batman came in to tell us that she had delivered a tiny baby girl, 2 lbs 9 oz and 14" long. She is doing remarkably well, but will likely be in the hospital for several weeks. Mama and Daddy are rapidly adjusting to the idea of being new parents much quicker than they had planned. We are all so excited for them and I am anxiously waiting my first visit with my new great granddaughter!
Bossy here just sneaking in one more picture.
Congrats to your family! Young grandma for sure, Bossy. :)
Congratulations! So happy that she is here and doing OK; that was scary. I will keep them in my prayers.
Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!
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