Sorry for not posting all weekend. (This is me,
pouring my heart out...) It's been crazy! My sweetie got back from Maryland late Friday night, so none of us got enough sleep. But it didn't matter. We still had to be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning. The little kids (Crafty, Sport, Scout, Curly, Bean Dip, Taco, and Burrito) and the Dog Walker had to be in their spot lined up for the parade by 7:15.

I tried so hard to be prepared the night before, and kids were pulling out their blog shirts and finding their dance things and locating pinewood derby cars. I thought everything was perfect! I even had them locate shoes and socks and suncreen and their bikes and helmets.
But that didn't stop Scout from losing her blog shirt.
Bossy took all the kids to their spots and then set up chairs for us along the route. Since Princess and the Prima Donna were with the marching band, they didn't have to be there until 8:00. So we waited and delivered them at the appointed time and then joined Bossy.

My sweetie was so awesome he even wore his blog shirt like the rest of us (except for the band girls, Dog Walker, and Sport, but they did change into theirs later). Although I must confess that I heard him telling people he should have just printed "man-cards" and handed them out all day. Do you guys think that's true? If a guy wears a shirt that says "Sweetie" does he just automatically lose a man-card?
But I digress...
So Teach, Drama Queen, Bossy, Baby Doll, my sweetie and I were all watching the parade. Bossy brought a huge bag for candy and she and Baby Doll proceeded to fill it. The girls were awesome with the band, and in my humble mom opinion, Sport's entry was the best one in the parade. See that cool banner? Yeah, that is a huge vinyl picture of my son wearing his helmet. And that is his winning helmet slogan.

The Dog Walker wore his scout uniform with all his badges on the sash and he pulled Curly in the trailer (with a helmet, of course). All the other kids rode their bikes as did some of Sport's friends from his baseball team.

About the time they got in front of us, Burrito rode his scooter close to us to deliver a piece of candy just to Baby Doll. On his way back he took a spill and after skinned palms and knees and lots of tears, he joined us at the curb. Since they were at the beginning of the parade, the kids all joined us after they finished.

We had so much fun! The Dog Walker even got recognized by UtahDave and hopefully his dance entry will be in the final contest for $1000. I will let you know if it does so you can all vote for him. But this day wasn't even close to over...
I'll fill you in on the rest tomorrow.