
Dec 25, 2013

3rd Quarter Review

I have to confess to feeling a little guilty putting up the link before it is actually completed, thanks for checking back with me to see my real review.

Third quarter was a crazy busy time for us! Summer is always like that. Dog Walker, Princess, and Prima Donna were all going to college full time and that really kept things moving. We had 3 birthdays in June, swimming lessons, the dance recital, and our quest to see concerts for the girls' music class.

Because we are on year-round school, we hardly got any vacation this year. We moved from D track to A track and that only gave us 3 weeks to plan any family time together. The only possible week we had for any type of vacation was the first week in July, so we took advantage of it.

 Our first night took us to Cortez and Mesa Verde. Then it was on to Albuquerque where we spent the 4th of July. The next day we drove to Phoenix, then the Grand Canyon and we spent our final day in Kanab, Utah. It was a fun trip, but very quick.

The girls went to Girls' Camp and on Trek. We spent our Pioneer Day in a fun and different way that I am hoping to make a new family tradition. Then it was back to school for my little ones just as the older kids finished up their college classes.

In August we took our Girl Scout troop to Tuacahn again. They love the theater down there! It is just outside St. George and even though this year we saw an inside show, they were so excited to share that experience.

Probably the biggest change ever for our family this year (besides sending Teach on her mission) was gaining a granddaughter when Bossy and Gamer brought home Fajita from Texas to live with them permanently. 
Crafty completed her Girl Scout Silver Award by making baby quilts for charity, and we celebrated my sweetie's 50th birthday. Sport started playing football again and we put the rest of the kids back in school. Summer came and went so quickly! I try to pack as much family and fun as I can into every day of my life. I don't want to have any regrets. My family is my whole world and I want them to love and serve each other.

This is such a fun link up! Looking back over what we have accomplished throughout the year helps me set new goals and make plans for next year. Now if I could just get it done without wanting to reread everything...


  1. I love that you do this one. I like how you link up all of your adventures. You are an amazing and fun family.

  2. Wow it was quite an eventful few months. Glad things worked out in the end with Fajita; sounds like she has had quite the adventure.

    Glad you were able to squeeze a vacation in.
