
Dec 21, 2012

Third Quarter

Third quarter was definitely my favorite part of 2012. We spent the first couple of weeks concentrating on Girl Scouts and Princess's Gold Award. She taught two weeks of dance classes and then had a program so her 50+ students could perform. She did an amazing job!

Then we left immediately for our Vacation of a Lifetime! I can't even begin to choose my favorite, so I'm linking each city and you can click the ones that sound the most exciting to you... Lincoln, Keokuk, Nauvoo, Detroit, Kirtland, Palmyra, Hershey, Gettysberg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Denver.

Besides the trip, one of my favorite activities was the Stadium of Fire. I loved watching the Beach Boys perform!

August was filled with getting back to school and football. We also had the roof reshingled and took the Girl Scouts to Tuacahn. Teach and I joined Curves and started working out every day. (It's a good thing since I'm having a hard time laying off the Christmas sweets.) We did some fun last minute field trips including a visit to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. I think my favorite post was this one although I was pretty upset about it at the time.

We did a bunch of birthday parties and other parties in September including our anniversary. We took a little trip to Bear Lake over Labor Day weekend and we loved the free tickets to the circus! My favorite post was just one of those random days when everything seemed to go wrong. It just seemed so typical of my life and something I never would have recorded without my blog.

I love this fun linkup!


  1. Wow, what a fun vacation! Someday I want to roadtrip across the US with my little family.
    My anniversary is in September too. :-) Great month!

  2. What a fun cross country trip! I have been to most of those places actually, but I grew up in Illinois so the midwest and east coast were much more accessible than they are now. :)

    And wow- how awesome for your daughter teaching more than 50 kids! That would be hard for anyone.

    It is funny what posts end up becoming our favorites- often ones we would never think would be or are the ones quickly written in the moment.

    Great recap! Oh and don't forget for the final recap we thought it would be fun to add 5 goals/hopes for the following year-- that way when we recap again next year we can see if they came true.

  3. wow, that trip is awesome! i love DC and baltimore.

  4. Holy cow, that's like cross country road trip! I want to do that now!!

  5. Coming by from Shell's place. Good lord I would have had a massive heart attack hauling my children that many miles with me. Or ran away. Your kids are adorable. I have 3 boys myself. I need a new roof desperately... we won't even go there.

  6. Thanks for the peek into your year! Your daughter has learned well-you must be so proud of her!
